Welcome to Oregon Stacks

Thanks for checking us out. Oregon Stacks serves as your first place to go to find all things stacking in the state of Oregon. 

If you're interested in sport stacking in your local school, after-school program, church or organization, send me an email at frankt@vbconline.org. Feel free to visit and check out the stacking program at Village Baptist Church in Beaverton, OR.

For more information on stacking, also check out Speed Stacks and the WSSA websites.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Speed Stacks Office Photos, Plus Something New Is Coming

My family just got back from a road trip to Texas Friday last week. It was exciting to meet up with old friends and renew relationships. And we got to make a detour that made this year's road trip really STACK UP!

Photo op with Mark Lingle, WSSA Director.

Passing through the Denver, CO, we went to the Speed Stacks office in Englewood and surprised the staff there. It was a real treat to meet WSSA Director Mark Lingle and several of the Speed Stacks team. I got a chance to put faces to names and voices I already knew.

Here are a few photos from our visit.

Boxes of stacking equipment as they arrived at the Speed stacks warehouse.

Sorting out the cups by colors.

Stack mats ...

... and stacking cups ...

... and more stacking cups.

Psssst. TOP SECRET. While at the Speed Stacks office, we saw the next new Speed Stacks product and even got to check it out. Unfortunately, we're not allowed to talk about it. We couldn't even take photos. But here's a clue. Pastor Karl Bastian and I actually talked about this several years ago, saying how useful it would be in order to face off in a stacking duel.

1 comment:

aironne mark said...

that's so many speed stacks...